
(Mvskoke Alphabet)
Familiarizing yourself with the alphabet is a good starting point for learning the Mvskoke Language.
(Mvskoke Old Count)

To begin talking to others, it will be helpful to know how to ask questions!
Using numbers in sentences can be a little tricky, but hopefully this lesson can help make it easier!
Here's a quick lesson to help you learn and start using words like "my", "your", "our", "her/his", etc!
A vocab list of items you may find in a bedroom!
A vocab list of items you may find in a kitchen!
A vocab list of items you may find in a bathroom!
Learn the words for different rooms or places in your house, and then test your knowledge with the accompanied worksheet!
Test your knowledge of words about nature via this worksheet! There is an easier and harder version of the worksheet to test yourself.