Estonko! We are the Mvskoke Language Program and we provide language resources and classes to the Mvskoke people to preserve our language, culture, and sovereignty. We love our people and want to promote unity within our nation as well as keeping the sovereignty that we have and promoting pride in our culture and practices. We hope you'll come learn with us and keep The Language alive! Mvto!
I work with the Mvhayvlke in the office to incorporate language resources for the program for our resource packets. I assist any staff with their duties, online classes, attend at-large gatherings, and manage the social media sites for the program.
I am pursuing a dual degree in Astronomical and Planetary Sciences and Physics Engineering at Arizona State University. I enjoy late nights with my telescope and observing what lies beyond our view.
Jordan Squire,
Nak-hayv Letecicv
(Project/Media Coordinator)
I have had the privilege of teaching for sixteen years. I have taught in the head starts of Okemah & Wetumka, started teaching at Mason School (PreK through 8th Grade), and also teach adults at the Okmulgee Indian Community Center.
When I was young, my Grandma warned me that one day the language would be gone, now that I am older I see what they were talking about. Working with the Language Program gives me the opportunity to teach and preserve the Language.
"Pun punvkv pom ho yvte somececcet cvs"
The language that was given to us, don't lose it!
Gracine Hicks
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
I was raised in Hanna, Oklahoma where I later graduated form the local high school in 1985. My ceremonial ground is Peach Ground, my clan is Tiger, and I attend Faith Baptist Church in Dustin Oklahoma.
My family was fluent in Mvskoke, and spoke it everyday in the house as was our way of life.
As a Mvskoke Language teacher I have taught at the Tulsa, Okmulgee, Wainwright, Dewar Headstarts and Eufaula Dormitory, as well as Ryal Public School. I have been with the program since 2007 and enjoy it.
One day I would like everyone to learn the Mvskoke Language.
Phillip Harjo
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
I teach the Mvskoke Language at the Dunbar Middle School in Okmulgee.
I have three children, Jordan, Jessica, and Brandon, I enjoy spending time with my family.
I hope that we can keep the Mvskoke Language going as long as we can and beyond. The Mvskoke Language is very important to me, It reminds me of my family because that was my foundation for learning the language. It makes me proud and happy.
Carolyn McNac
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
Hello, my name is Steven Powell. My duty is as follows. I am to help develop Mvskoke Language Curriculum for elementary children. Right now I teach children from 2nd to 4th grade at the Okmulgee Primary Elementary School.
I very much enjoy what I do. The joy of seeing young elementary students learning the Mvskoke Language cannot be described. I want the future generations of the Mvskoke to know the virtues of the Language and culture. When they have both they will show others that they are Mvskoke.
Steven Powell
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
Michael Cook
(Graphic Designer)
I'm the new Designer and fresh out of college on my first job! I'm a Cherokee, graduated with an associates from OSUIT Okmulgee, and have lived here all my life.
I really enjoy working for the program so far, it's a laid back, but busy environment, and everyone is generally friendly and helpful.
I do not know much of the Mvskoke Language, but I would like to say Mvto! to the program for giving me the opportunity to help their cause and get experience as a designer.

Office Number: 918.732.7724

Elizabeth "Eli" Rowland-Chang,
Mvskoke Opunvkv
Kvpetenv Senhvlwe
(Mvskoke Language Director)
I manage the program that is putting the Mvskoke Language into public schools via in-person and virtual teaching, and the activities and curriculum that follow.
I am passionate about languages and art! I hope to inspire youth to have an interest in our language and our cultural arts with every class.
"Pum opunvkv heruse tos"
Our language is beautiful

Koko Lowe,
Oh-hecv 'Mvnicv
(Clerical Assistant)
I process requisitions, Authorization for Payments, Request for Prepayments, Travel Authorizations, Mileage, Reimbursements. General office duties.
I am married and have four children, thirteen Grandchildren and three Great Grandchildren.
I love my job and we have a close work family. We pray, laugh and enjoy our time together as needed. We are there for each other in time of trials and tribulations.
Preserving the Language is so important to me. If we lose our Language what do we have to show that we are Mvskoke Creeks besides the color of our skin.
My favorite quote is: “Aye Mahvs Ce” which means “Keep on Going”

Judy N. Harjo-Montiel,
Mvskoke Opunvkv
(Mvskoke Language Program Manager)
As the Program Manager working with the program team, we continue to strive to ensure that all aspects of revitalization are approached and adhered to through planning and organizing the day-to-day activities. Seeing the passion the staff has for the "Love of the Language", makes it worthwhile.
Saved by Grace, loving mother, wife, and grandmother of two.
"As Mvskoke people, we should be either a learner, a teacher, or an advocate of the Mvskoke Language."
Office Number: 918.549.2174
Office Number: 918.732.7649
Office Number: 918.732.7725
Office Number: 918.732.7764
Office Number: 918.732.7721
Office Number: 918.549.2713
Office Number: 918.732.7752
Office Number: 918.732.7646
Hesci! Hello my name is Taniea. I have 2 siblings and one child. A few of my hobbies are cooking, reading and hosting / attending get togethers with my family. As a teacher my responsibility is to share the language. My goal is to encourage the youth to embrace their language so it can do more than survive but thrive.
Tania Molina
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
I am Creek, Yuchi and Chickasaw. I’m 28 years old. I grew up in Hectorville, OK. I now live in Morris, OK with my wife Jaylin. I enjoy fishing and my Mvskoke Culture.
Melissa Harjo-Moffer
Ponvkv Mvhayv
(Language Instructor)
Fluent speaker from Wetumka, OK. Attended Seneca Indian School in Wyandotte OK, at age six. Was forced to learn English there. Have taught Mvskoke in Holdenville in the early 80s and later off and on in community centers and other places.

Office Number: 918.732.7641
Office Number: 918.304.3323

Office Number: 918.304.3324

​I serve as the primary liaison between our program and the public schools within the Mvskoke Reservation, while providing essential support to our Mvhayvlke. I have love and enthusiasm for our language that I hope to transfer to learners through the lessons I help produce.
Office Number: 918.549.2963